منحة دراسية تشمل 28 جامعة كندية للسودانيين والأفارقة

Competition open to young professionals from sub-Saharan Africa

September 28, 2016 – Complete a Master’s degree in public administration, public policy or public finance at a university in Canada, plus professional development through an internship and mentoring program.

Program name: African Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship Program
Managing organization: Canadian Bureau for International Education, in partnership with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Target audiences: Young African professionals between the ages of 22 and 35 with 2 – 5 years’ experience in the public sector, civil society or research institute in Africa
Destination: 28 universities across Canada
Duration: 1 or 2-year programs starting in September 2017
Deadline: October 14, 2016, to receive a link to the online application platform

For more information, visit the African Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship Program page.

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